
A Younger Future

 In the aftermath of the election some people find themselves at a loss for words and answers. Like many patriotic Americans they are confused and frightened at how Mr. Obama was re-elected again with such ease. Like myself many thought it could not be possible with the still high unemployment rate, and the ever increasing debt. Yet, still Obama has found himself in the most powerful position in the world once again. As a member of the Republican party I find myself dissatisfied with the candidates that we have put forth. Each new candidate has become more and more liberal with each passing election. The Republican party needs to produce strong young candidates that are energetic and passionate about fighting for what they believe in. Our party always looks geriatric next to the Democratic party, because that is how we are portrayed. For instance during the GOP we had Clint Eastwood speak, it is not that he did a bad job, but that we portray an old image. The young people of America are looking for someone that they can relate with. A genuine person who is passionate and outspoken, a young man or women who is looking to accurately represent the young generation. The older generations call the current one the "lost generation" but I believe that this is not true. I believe that these young Americans are hungry to fight for something, they are hungry to make a difference. This hunger needs to be emulated by the actions of these young Americans. Do not be contempt with the way the world is left for you, but rise up and control your destiny.


Role of Leadership

The role of leadership is a road less traveled, it is going against the crowd and doing what is right. To become a leader you assume the role becasue everyone looks to you for leadership. This is a heavy responsibility that is not always wanted. But if you are a man then you will step up and lead without hesitation. You will not be happy, what you do will not bring you solace. The decisions you make will weigh on your conscience. The leader is forced to make the hardest decision possible every single day. the decisions you make will cause people to hate you, but you must do it because it is the right thing to do. Young people of our society today; become a leader, make the hard decisions, do the right thing, and make a difference. We should not sit by and be called the forgotten generation, or the lazy generation. It will be our time soon and we need to step our shit up. It's time we hold important jobs and stimulate this economy. It's time we show these older generations that we are motivated and that we have drive. Stand with me future generation and grasp life by the loins and become a leader.

Tom Sawyer


The Cost of Freedom

    Today is not the 4th of July. Today is Indepence Day. 235 years ago today marks the greatest triumph in American history that should be treasured by all it's citizens. Due to exorbitant taxation and perpetual tyranny, we fought back as young men no older than myself sacrificed their lives for the lives of the people that would live after them. That is such a heavy thought for me to process. They were teenagers enjoying their childhood, but they became soldiers, not only out of pure necessity but because they believed in the cause. Everything we possess today, everything, we owe to our brave Freedom Fighters. Their courage is a perfect example of human will and limitless ability to fight on.
     America has always been the World's enemy because our pluralistic ideals infuriate Eastern lands. But above all, it's that we will never, even to the last breath, change that belief that pisses them off so much that they try to blow our buildings up and terrorize us but they consistently fail to understand that we are an inpenetrable fortress. Now that's freedom. We have the ability to complain about the NBA and NFL lockouts because our military destroys our enemy that wants nothing more than 300 million Americans dead.

     And then there's Thomas Paine. Paine was British born and like many others, came to the New World to escape religious persecution. When the Revelution began though, Paine never touched a weapon. His arsenal included a quill and papyrus. A man that believed that the pen was mightier than the sword was able to ignite a burning flame within a nation with his words. Common Sense exposed every aspect of tyrant King George's narcissistic, brutal ways. To me, this is truly amazing because one man, without threatening with force, moved an entire NEW nation with evolving ideas to freedom. I so wish I could have met that man.

     So, today as you're enjoying time with your family and friends, please remember the endless courage that those who walked our land before us had. Remember this as well:     I Like this quote I dislike this quoteThose who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” -Benjamin Franklin.

               Thomas Paine


Hypocrisy: A Love/Hate Story

     The "do as I say, not as I do" mentality so many people withhold is infuriating. I see an enormous amount of hypocrisy in people daily and in one sense, it's a testament to our vulnerability as human beings, while in another, it shows how truly wicked and untrustworthy we are as human beings. There's a never ending battle of commitment and self-interest going on and it's a losing battle.
     At some point, we will have to make a commitment to integrity. Integrity in the sense of doing what you say, not exactly doing good. In my opinion, people will do bad things either way so why linger in limbo by implying you won't? In the world of business, making deals is based on patience, efficiency, but mostly, TRUST. If you don't trust that a client is telling you how they truly feel about your business, a deal is hard-pressed to be made.
      So, to you heathen out there, DO WHAT YOU SAY. In fact, I'm going to change that infamous quote to, "do what you do, not what you say". In other news, Charlie Sheen is back.

                                        J.K. Rowling


The Everdeafening Silence

     I was thinking about change today and I asked myself what the reoccurring theme of successful change was, and came to this conclusion. Noise. Great people have never been afraid to speak their philosophy and have never hesitated to. They also don't make excuses like being afraid of the consequences that could come about from being politically incorrect. I fully believe that every human being on this planet has thoughts boiling within them that never surface on the account of the fear that their socially unacceptable thought will be attacked. It all comes down the massive amount of silence in the world.
     My perfect world would consist of active groups that discuss issues and people that take action on their beliefs. Especially through writing. "Bringing the noise" does not have to be defined by yelling at a liberal colleague or amassing thousands of people in riot against unruly cat grooming. Writing is such a powerful tool that kids my age truly neglect. It is a gateway that allows you to express everything in your head that you feel should be heard.
     For the sweet love of John Locke, will you people please have an opinion!?
"Fear is such a weak emotion, that's why I despise it. I think that all the violence is worse then all the silence." - Lupe Fiasco

              With love,
                          Edgar Allen Poe


It's pronounced meece not mice

  Because of our America's lack of concern for finding appropriate means to dump waste, I ended up with nuclear sludge running down the sidewalk of our neighborhood and it caused quite a ruckus. Not only that but a family of meece, not mice, seemed to have been using the muck as some sort of summer day spa. Needless to say they went all bad 80's movie on me and turned into intelligent entities. The are now in a cro mag-non type era and are developing stone tools. I check in on them every once an a while as they roam my garage believing it to be some sort of Pangea. This is quite astonishing of course since I have never witnessed such a feat. The meece are creating little huts and hunting the cockroaches as if they were mastodons. The meece have achieved the ability to create fire out of various things they find in the garage/Pangea. Their numbers are increasing everyday and it seems that the meece enjoy intercourse and do it frequently. Toxic sludge must accelerate birthrate and aging because these meece are jumping years ahead in a matter of days. At first I was a little depressed because I wanted the meece to turn into teenage karate fighting meece who love pizza. Then we could battle a foe who holds a grudge of his master's, master's, master's, master's, master's, master's enemy. By the way that costume was ridiculous. But actually I find myself playing God with the meece and i must say it is quite exhilarating. Every so often I go in a create a natural disaster of some sort to tame the population and teach them a lesson. I find normal life so bland now that I have become a God. It's no fun to just sit around and do nothing when I could be teaching a civilization how to read, or burning one to the ground. I feel myself slowly detaching from the rest of the world, and shouldering the burden that is the meece kingdom. I must go for now because the meece are in a medieval period and they are drinking their poo water at an alarming rate. Goodbye for now I will continue to document the evolution of the meece kingdom.

                        - Willy Ellington  


George Washington's Nightmare

     Sadly, our society can no longer stand up for what is right and fight for what they believe in. They are scared by the big bad government and that is Jorge's nightmare. When our founding fathers were making this land free for everyone, except Jews, gays, blacks, women, Native Americans, Asians, or anyone who isn't a white male, they made it so that if the need be, then we could rise up and overthrow our unjust government and make it for the people. But I mean come on, this isn't the age where the President lived next door and you could walk on over and give him a charlie horse and say, " Hey stop taxing so much!"
     No, IMAGINE what would happen if we were to stand up and "overthrow" our government. We would be put down faster than a cat with snow blindness. Listen, there are all these people who sound crazy saying bury your guns and your gold! Believe it or not, the day may come where the gov't comes around and starts taking away all of our arms because its in our "best interest." It is our God given right to be able to stand up for what we think is just and tell our government and have them actually LISTEN. No more getting our elected officials to do it, because obviously that isn't working. No, we as a united people need to let our voices be heard.
     This is America damnit, land of the free and home of the brave. Please people put down that damn iPad and show some interest in your future and in your country. It's time the voices of the people to be heard. Let the reign of lethargy and laziness end and bring about the tidings of education and dominance. So get up off that couch, look your cat right in the eye and say, "nay to you cat begone!" and with a swift lotus kick send him a'reeling. Then after that, find your voice and take part in the revolution. That's right. A revolution. A peoples revolution against ourselves. Make yourself better and strive for greatness, don't ever become contempt and for the love of sweet Jesus use common sense.